Welcome to The Temple of Amy Jo Johnson

The Temple of Amy Jo Johnson is the largest Amy Jo Johnson image archive currently online.
This site is not endorsed or approved by Amy Jo Johnson.
This page is maintained by The Order of Meridian.
Our goal is to rehabilitate the "different type of fan".


Power Rangers The Movie image gallery

Power Rangers The Movie image
The third and final installment of our Power Rangers The Movie picture gallery featuring Amy Jo Johnson as Kimberly Hart, The Pink Power Ranger.
Click for full size
Amy Jo Johnson looking up
white pink and yellow power rangers
Jason David Frank with Amy Jo Johnson
Amy Jo Johnson with Karan Ashley
Amy Jo Johnson as Kimberly Hart and Karan Ashley as Aisha Campbell
Amy Jo Johnson as The Pink Ranger and Karan Ashley as The Yellow Ranger
Amy Jo Johnson as Kimberly Hart and Karan Ashley as Aisha Campbell
Amy Jo Johnson as Kimberly Hart with Karan Ashley as Aisha Campbell
Power Rangers The Movie
Tommy The White Ranger speaks to a group of Power Rangers
The Pink Power Ranger walking
Kimberly Hart played by Amy Jo Johnson
Amy Jo Johnson wearing pink shorts
Gabrielle Fitzpatrick as Dulcea with a group of Power Rangers
Amy Jo Johnson with Gabrielle Fitzpatrick
Kimberly Hart looking very hot
Power Ranger group
An example of Phallic Symbolism in film
the pink ranger fighting
The pink and blue rangers
The original pink ranger
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Amy Jo Johnson
Kim and Tommy
The Power Rangers celebrate
Behind the scenes of Power Rangers The Movie
2010 Temple Of Amy Jo Johnson